Monday, May 09, 2005

What is that?

Quicktime 1.3mb 1:40


Steve Garfield said...

That was great.

Sometimes my newspaper comes like that too adn I wonder if a machine fixes it or do they have this one guy who glues all the mistakes.

reminds me of an old Saturday Night Live skit where Steve Martin and Bill Murray say "What the hell is that?" in varying ways over and over.


Josh Leo said...

Seriously, what the heck is up with that!? wierd paper, good vlog!

Liza said...

It proves the presence of black holes..they're everywhere?!
love this one!

Annie said...

haha. i wonder if they have a quality control person for this kind of stuff. you should write to mead or whatever company that was. they'll probably send you a lifetime supply of looseleaf paper.